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2007-01-02 06:03:06
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By [Dinaer]. Art winner of the first round: What if there were modern vampires?

He kissed her all around and at last he moved up to her neck.
-Hmm, sorry love... this will leave a mark...

By [iippo]. Winner of the first round of stories: What if there were modern vampires?

Since RiverStar is not going to be on as much she has given her permission for [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós] and [iippo] to continue with the contest. She wishes all contestants the best of luck

This is a contest for all members of elftown whether they are authors with that special gift or wordiness or artists with a special touch with shades and colours or just someone who wishes to try their hand at such! A new round begins every month and the entries are judged by a team of qualified judges.

Current round:
Idea Starter: What if all your characters became real?
Deadline: ?, 2007

Entries: Entry11
For more details see the respective contest links below.

Authors check out this part of the contest: What if...Stories

Artists check out this part of the contest: What if...Art

Come see the judges at this place: What if...Judges

Tell us who you think is the most creative: What If... Voting

Give us ideas for more contests: What If... Ideas

I hope you enjoy this and I look forward to reading and viewing all submissions!!!!

Username (or number or email):


2004-03-13 [Kai Ken]: hi

2004-03-14 [iippo]: okay

2004-03-14 [iippo]: terve

2004-03-18 [Kai Ken]: miten menee? how r u?

2004-03-19 [Teea]: hyvin menee, kiitos kysymästä ^-^ how about you?

2004-03-19 [RiverStar]: eh?

2004-03-19 [Teea]: ^___^;; That was finnish! XD

2004-03-19 [RiverStar]: oh right...k

2004-03-20 [iippo]: O_O so many finns here!!! poor riverstar, her wiki's ben overtaken by finska människor!!

2004-03-20 [RiverStar]: ah! THe confusion! ah! *falls on the floor holding her head*

2004-03-21 [iippo]: don't worry rivvie... it's just... well, finnish people... all around...

2004-03-23 [Thor]: WOAH CRAP!!! MARCH 31st?!?!?! ARG!! I better start soon, I never have any time *shakes head in dispair* it takes me about a week to draw a line because I'm aways doing nothing but a lot of nothing so that I never have time to do something

2004-03-23 [Thor]: sorry about that outburst

2004-03-23 [Thor]: huh? theres no-one entered yet :S how strange

2004-03-23 [windowframe]: mebbes people aren't finding this prompt as erm... inspiring as the others?

2004-03-23 [RiverStar]: don't worry, I have a good one for the next time. *thanks to a certain someone! You knwo who you are* We try to cater to everyone's tastes to somethings we will have sci-fi other tims fantasy other times who knows! a nice mix of everything. Thor it's hard on that line!

2004-03-23 [windowframe]: personally, right now, as far as drawing is concerned i'm into modern i'd love to see a tag for that *puppy-dawg-eyes*

2004-03-23 [RiverStar]: well anything can be turned modern fantasy....

2004-03-23 [windowframe]: *** my bad - wasn't specific enough. *le sigh* splats brain on page, there ye go - what i'm tryin to say is in there somewhere ^_^

2004-03-23 [RiverStar]: *laughs*

2004-03-23 [windowframe]: ^^;; explaining things was never my forté

2004-03-23 [RiverStar]: I can see that.

2004-03-23 [windowframe]: :-P *L*

2004-03-23 [RiverStar]: and i assume tht would also explain why you are an artist not a writer.

2004-03-23 [windowframe]: *grins* i'm both, actually, ...*ponders why people make a distinction between 'artist' and 'writer', being as they are both art forms...* writing is generally different to explaining things... *sigh* a difference i can't explain ^^;;

2004-03-23 [RiverStar]: hahaha it's alright, I think I understand.

2004-03-23 [windowframe]: ^^

2004-03-24 [iippo]: i didn't remember the deadline was so close *urries to write*

2004-03-24 [RiverStar]: hahahaha you sillies need to pay attention to deadlines

2004-03-24 [Barak_the_Blade]: deadlines...the writers arch

2004-03-24 [RiverStar]: my best friend!

2004-03-24 [Barak_the_Blade]: Yeah, they can acutally be the bane and the blessing at the same time for writers. They motivate you to get off your tusch and get working, but they put a bit of squeeze on your nerves. Especially if you write professionally.

2004-03-25 [iippo]: *still hasn't moved a finger for this story* AAAAH! EEEBIL DEadline mushing me!

2004-03-25 [RiverStar]: *starts poking iippo* write! write!

2004-03-26 [Barak_the_Blade]: please write, I don't want to win by that's the only way I could win. :-D

2004-03-26 [irulan]: Not true :P

2004-03-26 [Barak_the_Blade]: :P You're biased because we're But thanx.

2004-03-26 [iippo]: arg, now be-eth 26th... *pokes self* write stupido, hurry!

2004-03-26 [RiverStar]: *laughs* yes, you all must write!

2004-03-27 [iippo]: did it and sendeth tomorro yay

2004-03-27 [Barak_the_Blade]: Yeaa *claps*

2004-03-28 [iippo]: it's sundeeth, me sends it now

2004-03-29 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: yesterday was my b-day!!!!

2004-03-29 [Teea]: Awww, this is never too late...Happy B-day! *huggles*

2004-03-29 [RiverStar]: yaa iippo!! *huggles iippo* happy b-day nill (sorry i'm still calling you that but it's easier than this new name) *huggles*

2004-03-29 [Barak_the_Blade]: Happy B-day...I love birthdays. *blows his noise maker*

2004-03-30 [Hutch]: feliz cumpleanos

2004-03-31 [iippo]: *plays onemanorchestra* Haaaaapppyyyy biiiirthdaaaaayyyyy tooooo yuuuooooooo!!!!

2004-03-31 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: *laughs* thanx guys..... *smiles*

2004-04-02 [iippo]: ok who won?

2004-04-02 [RiverStar]: geeze, give me a few I haven't even talked to Dragoness yet

2004-04-02 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: lol

2004-04-02 [RiverStar]: new topic is up btw

2004-04-02 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: *smiles happily*

2004-04-03 [iippo]: i have a question bout the topic (=me being all foreign now): is it that IM a demon-slave or that i'm a slave to a demon?

2004-04-05 [RiverStar]: you are the demon slave

2004-04-07 [iippo]: O_O so i'm a demon? that is a slave?

2004-04-07 [RiverStar]: yes

2004-04-10 [Kiddalee]: What a sad and gruesome topic. I can see it being drawn about, but written about? That would be tedious and depressing for me to write about.

2004-04-10 [windowframe]: hmmmm *nods* it would be ver easy to make such a piece (of writing) too angsty n stuff, it would be a fine writer who could walk the balance between showing the pain and suffering but also maintaining a focus to the writing other than said pain and suffering...

2004-04-11 [iippo]: ah-HAAA! *sees challenge and since has listened to soundtrack of holy grail so long, needs challenge* mwahahaha, i shall enter even if it were my laaaast thing. Ni.

2004-04-12 [RiverStar]: NI!!! Hahahahaha! Come on Kiddalee, take up the challenge, follow iippo's lead. This is a challenge, see what you can turn it into. There are so many possibilities with this one. I suggest try to avoid the stereotypes. Since the topic is a downer kind of topic, through in some humour. Something like a fuzzy pink demon who ends up enjoying the torture. Feel free to be as creative as you want. That's the point! To see what crazy stuff you can all come up with.

2004-04-12 [Kiddalee]: The only idea I can get from this is a spinoff of "I am Spartacus"

2004-04-12 [RiverStar]: Keeping thinking, you will come up with something.

2004-04-14 [elfster]: Originalism can also came from the strangest people...Im a 20 yr old drugie /raver/originalist

2004-04-14 [elfster]: yep....i do know what im talking about

2004-04-15 [windowframe]: did i miss something?

2004-04-16 [Barak_the_Blade]: Not to be pushy or anything...but do we know when the winner is going to be announced?

2004-04-16 [RiverStar]: start poking Dragoness.....I'm waiting on her.

2004-04-17 [iippo]: o.O dragoness? hmmm... i think i have a relation with her but can't remember why... she lubs python too...

2004-04-18 [Teea]: That was mean ;__; and no we don´t have relation...can´t remember why ;) *armour herself against pokes*

2004-04-18 [iippo]: what? are you sure? hmmm...

2004-04-19 [RiverStar]: Dragoness, did you get the stories? I e-mailed them to you!

2004-04-24 [iippo]: i confused dragoness to someone else with a dragon.

2004-05-16 [iippo]: did this place die when i didn't manage to send a story?!?!? hellooooo?!?!?!

2004-05-16 [irulan]: I'm still around at least...anyone else?

2004-05-16 [Barak_the_Blade]: Me...still waiting for a winner.. :-D

2004-05-17 [RiverStar]: sorry guys things have been really hectic lately. I will try to catch up with Dragoness this week and get things moving again. (If any of you want to know where I have been feel free to read my diary, it explains most of it there)

2004-05-23 [iippo]: okay. i just got really worried. btw river, were you hosting the book group or whatwasitcalled in the ET academy?

2004-05-24 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: we need a new topic....

2004-05-24 [Hutch]: What if.... you were in love with the badguy

2004-05-25 [RiverStar]: I was died ever so long ago.

2004-05-26 [iippo]: it needs to be revived! my RL book-conversations are over, I NEED TO CONVERSATE ON A TOPIC!!

2004-05-26 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: LISTEN UPP!!!!!! ----> What if.......The angels of heaven, and the devils of hell, fell in love with eachother?

2004-05-27 [Hutch]: thatz good

2004-05-30 [iippo]: river, whaddaya think-o?

2004-05-30 [Kiddalee]: I've already seen that idea many times in Elfwood

2004-05-31 [RiverStar]: guys....i need help to keep this thing running....i am looking for a new judge....whoever is interested, plz msg me. Remember that as a judge you are not allowed to enter, but do have a big say on who wins.

2004-05-31 [iippo]: would it be possible to be, say, judge of pictures and enter in writing (or vice versa)? if that works i'll be glad to be either...

2004-05-31 [RiverStar]: hhmm....sure we could do it that way....I hadn't thought about that....yes...if you want to be judge of one part and enter in the other part you may...msg me iippo

2004-06-05 [JessieAnn]: judge for wot????

2004-06-06 [RiverStar]: the contest

2004-06-07 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: lolz

2004-06-07 [RiverStar]: Just a quick update: new judges being added, site is under going renovations...looking for two or three story judges still.

2004-06-08 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: ..meep..

2004-06-09 [RiverStar]: yes yes meep yourself *laughs*

2004-06-11 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: lol..*so anyways*

2004-06-13 [iippo]: yeah how bout it.

2004-07-06 [Barak_the_Blade]: I'm guessing this contest is dead in the water?

2004-07-06 [Teea]: I would say on summer vacation :D

2004-07-06 [Barak_the_Blade]: lol...okay....I hope it at least gets to go Disney Land while it's got the chance. :-D

2004-07-09 [elfster]: what if i sent a bug........hehehe ....Noooo

2004-07-14 [Teea]: What if...we get this going again? ^_^ now I need abit help. what kind of subject would be the next one?

2004-07-14 [iippo]: maybe we should make a page to contest-suggestions where people can fairly anonymously leave an idea and we can use some of them...?

2004-07-15 [RiverStar]: if either of you would like to go ahead with that, feel free to. I am really busy lately working full time....I am still floating around and check here often for comments, but don't have time to change much.

2004-07-26 [iippo]: oh n my internet is down tho it'll be fixed soon, i hope... so i'll be back later.

2004-07-27 [Barak_the_Blade]: since we haven't had a winner yet...does anyone want to exchange stories for the "belly of the beast" story?

2004-07-27 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: what if....RIVERSTAR WON THE LOTTERY....(what would she do with the money????

2004-07-27 [Hutch]: buy a llama

2004-07-27 [Kiddalee]: I'd write a story for that...

2004-07-28 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: i'd too. plus... its creative.... its everyones opinion on what she'd blow her money on.. and i have some ideas myself.. *smiles slightly*

2004-07-28 [Kiddalee]: Then we can all present our work to her as a present. "You were away and we love you and missed you so we wrote and painted about you!" And then she'll read all the stories and who knows how she'll react to each one...

2004-07-28 [RiverStar]: *smiles* You guys seem to forget that awhile ago I mentioned I'm still floating around here I just don't have time to constantly update things....but I like that idea. It's really sweet. I love you guys! *cries*

2004-07-28 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: *pats river on back* yes....we know.... *sniff* now stop crying or else i will start! *laughs a little*

2004-07-28 [Kiddalee]: But what if one of us were to put you in a bad light?

2004-07-29 [RiverStar]: Don't worry about it. I know that you guys really don't know me that well so I can't expect you to understand my thought process completely, so I will take no offense to anything as I know it is not intentional.

2004-07-29 [RiverStar]: kay, kaimee won for the last art comp. by default and I am working on deciding a winner for stories.

2004-07-29 [RiverStar]: *sighes* it seems that stories also has a winner by default [irulan]

2004-07-29 [RiverStar]: I need everyone who never received their winners trophy to msg me and I will get them the link as soon as possible!

2004-07-29 [RiverStar]: Alright, as you guys can see I am trying to work...slowly but surely.

2004-07-29 [irulan]: I hate winning by default =( Oh well...

2004-07-29 [Kaimee]: very ditto there -.- im glad i won... but i woulda preferred to beat someone to it:P thanks anywho

2004-07-29 [Kiddalee]: Yesssss! New subject!

2004-07-30 [RiverStar]: did I ever announce winners for in the stomach of a beast?? also there is a story that I don't know the author for...can you guys check to see if it's yours and let me know....I'm trying to make the submission pages more user friendly.

2004-07-30 [irulan]: Nope I don't think you did...

2004-08-03 [RiverStar]: okay i will do that as soon as i can too

2004-08-12 [iippo]: iippo's internet will come back this sunday (woohoo!) which means she'll be back every week to bother everyone's asses so hooray for bothering.

2004-08-13 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: river, what am i a judge for again?? *laughs*

2004-08-14 [Kiddalee]: Awww crap... I forgot all about this contest and the deadline's tomorrow.

2004-08-16 [iippo]: erm, could that deadline be pushed a little? it's 16th here and i'm reading that for the first time...

2004-08-18 [RiverStar]: sure thing...the deadline will move to the end of the month to give me more time to catch up as well.

2004-08-18 [iippo]: oh yay! i had sorta given up hope already... but cool!

2004-08-21 [Kiddalee]: Oi! And I almost didn't bother checking these comments. **hits self**

2004-08-25 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: lol

2004-08-26 [Barak_the_Blade]: ummmm....did we ever here who won the belly of the beast contest?

2004-08-31 [RiverStar]: i am going to announce that tomorrow.

2004-09-01 [Barak_the_Blade]: sweet

2004-09-01 [RiverStar]: well.....i think you all need to remember to include your username when you send your stories...*sighes* anyway...the winner of this round is Quiky...if this is you please step forward and claim your prize!

2004-09-01 [RiverStar]: *sighes* and where are those entries for my lottery winning?!

2004-09-01 [RiverStar]: *growls* (disgruntled contest host)

2004-09-01 [irulan]: Quiky is [Barak_the_Blade]! Congrats Barak! =)

2004-09-01 [Barak_the_Blade]: Thank you...I'm Quiky...otherwise know as Quikson (real name)

2004-09-03 [RiverStar]: *smiles* alrighty! congrats then!!


2004-09-05 [iippo]: no, i didn't manage.

2004-09-19 [iippo]: rivvie, what happened? why were u in hospital?

2004-09-19 [RiverStar]: car

2004-09-19 [iippo]: oh dear... is everyone in one piece?

2004-09-19 [RiverStar]: this time...

2004-09-24 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: *sighs* river.... we are goign to need to do some advertising

2004-09-29 [RiverStar]: *growls* I'm fairly grouchy right now.

2004-09-30 [iippo]: ja, same here. but but

2004-10-02 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: iippo..... we are going to create some advertising!!!

2004-10-02 [Hutch]: what if... your favorite superhero was suddenly changed into the opposite sex?! lol sotty I had so much fun with Chaos sun's polar oposites contest.

2004-10-04 [iippo]: opposite sex hero? XD owch! advertising? ok i'm in, tell me what to do

2004-10-04 [Hutch]: be creative and let me win ;D or go to Chaos Sun's Art Contest

2004-10-04 [Hutch]: I figured there could be one here, because it was such a great idea

2004-10-07 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: ok

2004-10-08 [Barak_the_Blade]: what is the current theme?

2004-10-23 [iippo]: riverstar, i messaged the herald-person that this contest is running

2004-10-25 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: kk cool

2004-11-03 [Kaimee]: the herald person? :P

2004-11-03 [Kaimee]: and if its running, why is the deadline still set on aug 30th?

2004-11-03 [iippo]: I have to wait for River to come and answer. This contest changes al lthe time, so it's actually a row of contests. This one hasn't been judged yet so you can submit, or if not for this one, wait around and there will be a new what if.. topic

2004-11-04 [Kaimee]: I knew that already, iv participated before :)

2004-11-04 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: lol

2004-11-04 [iippo]: Do submit for this one. Crikey, is there any trace of river? or am i suddenly in charge *shall not let this wiki die!!*

2004-11-06 [Teea]: We should change the topic if no one is interested. What do you think iippo?

2004-11-07 [iippo]: I think you are absolutely right. Any suggestions what a new topic would be about?

2004-11-11 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: hmm....What If The You Lost The Love Of YOur Lfie?

2004-11-11 [iippo]: O__O good one! *ish all touched already* now the question is: where will the text submissions be sent? I dont know is riverstar still judging, and i refuse to accept them because i'm submitting a text myself

2004-11-11 [RiverStar]: i am still judging...i should have more time within the week so I will be able to judge the end of this one.

2004-11-12 [iippo]: end of this one with the deadline in august? or end of this Love-one?

2004-11-14 [FireGypsy]: umm...there are modern vampires...check out my wiki

2004-11-17 [RiverStar]: the new one.

2004-11-17 [RiverStar]: ummm....anyone who submitted a story for the stomach of the beast computer crashed....deleting all your e-mails...if you would still like to be considered please resend your story to me....sorry....i hate computers...

2004-11-17 [iippo]: Meh, I can't access my computer so forget about mine, it's as gone as... well, something that's really gone

2004-11-17 [iippo]: Sorry, i had to go something holiday-ey... if it's not ok, change it.

2004-11-17 [RiverStar]: *pats iippo on back* ah, my apprentice, you do good. Perhaps one day...well...let's not go there.

2004-12-08 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: o wow..

2004-12-19 [Teea]: what happened? It´s so quite that I can even hear my own brains ticking... O.o:

2004-12-19 [iippo]: Has anyone submitted anything for this thing?

2004-12-23 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: not that i know of

2005-01-03 [RiverStar]: umm...nope...not that i have seen

2005-01-03 [iippo]: My God, even I didn't... o.O I always thought I had time... *sniff*

2005-01-04 [xX ~ metalchik4u420 ~ Xx]: lol dont worry ippo

2005-03-04 [Barak_the_Blade]: So, I'm guessing this contest is at an end...? 

2005-03-07 [iippo]: Meh, I spose so... were there even any entries?

2005-03-08 [RiverStar]: no.....*whines* I don't want it to end....

2005-03-08 [RiverStar]: NEW CONTEST NOW AVAILABLE!!!

2005-03-09 [iippo]: o.O Hmm, *is intrigued by the starter* And handily enough eater-break starts the 25th... plenty of time on the beginning, so I don't even have the "too much uni-work" -bullshit preventing me from entering... *shifty glances* <.<  >.>  be prepared! For [iippo] shall strike! Muahahahah!!!

2005-03-09 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I think I might be able to work with this starter.

2005-03-09 [RiverStar]: *jumps up and down* yeah! lady! iippo! I'm happy!

2005-03-10 [Barak_the_Blade]: Good idea...I think I'm going to get in on this one

2005-03-10 [RiverStar]: *smiles*

2005-03-10 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I think I can just adapt Something Lost, Something Gained, make a few changes to it

2005-03-16 [Icarius]: I say this everytime..but I mean it this time. I'll write for this one.

2005-03-21 [RiverStar]: *grins* I can't wait to see cari!

2005-03-22 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: eeeek I still gotta modify Something Lost, Something gained, or should I just leave it Riva?

2005-03-22 [RiverStar]: You can leave it if you like...I just skimmed through it right now, because I don't have time to read it throughly right now but leave it if you like, I think it fits

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